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Latest News

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures April 2022

Trading turnover of CHF 106.5 billion (-30% month-on-month) Number of trades 4,836,692 (-36.7% month-on-month) SMI® index at 12,128.8 points at the end of April (-0.3% month-on-m....

Real Estate Company EPIC Suisse Goes Public on SIX Swiss Exchange

Today, EPIC Suisse AG ("EPIC") listed its shares on SIX Swiss Exchange. This adds another market leader in its field to the exchange and further increases its peer group of listed....

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures June 2022

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures June 2022 In June 2022, trading turnover on SIX Swiss Exchange reached CHF 97.8 billion, 10.7% less than in the previous month, while the numb....

Change in the Executive Board of SIX

Change in the Executive Board of SIX Marco Menotti has decided to leave SIX at the end of July 2022 and devote himself to his own projects. He joined SIX in 2018, where he set up and....

SIX Digital Exchange successfully tokenizes private shares on its regulated blockchain-based Central Securities Depository in partnership with F10 and Aequitec

SIX Digital Exchange successfully tokenizes private shares on its regulated blockchain-based Central Securities Depository in partnership with F10 and Aequitec Switzerland’s SIX Di....

SIX Digital Exchange tokenisiert erfolgreich Privataktien auf ihrer regulierten, Blockchain-basierten Zentralverwahrung in Kooperation mit F10 und Aequitec

SIX Digital Exchange tokenisiert erfolgreich Privataktien auf ihrer regulierten, Blockchain-basierten Zentralverwahrung in Kooperation mit F10 und Aequitec SIX Digital Exchange (SDX)....

SIX Digital Exchange tokenise avec succès des actions privées via son dépositaire central de titres réglementé basé sur la blockchain, en partenariat avec F10 et Aequitec

SIX Digital Exchange tokenise avec succès des actions privées via son dépositaire central de titres réglementé basé sur la blockchain, en partenariat avec F10 et Aequitec En Su....

SIX Digital Exchange tokeniza con éxito acciones en su depositario central de valores regulador y basado en blockchain, en colaboración con F10 y Aequitec

SIX Digital Exchange tokeniza con éxito acciones en su depositario central de valores regulador y basado en blockchain, en colaboración con F10 y Aequitec SIX Digital Exchange (SDX....

Index Adjustments on the Occasion of the Ordinary Index Review

Index Adjustments on the Occasion of the Ordinary Index Review SIX has decided to make changes to the index baskets on the basis of a recommendation from the Index Commission and in ....

SIX Closes First Half of 2022 with Stable Results on the Back of Challenging Market Conditions

SIX Closes First Half of 2022 with Stable Results on the Back of Challenging Market Conditions Selected key financial figures for the first half of 2022 Operating income amou....

Pando Asset Lists First Crypto ETP on SIX Swiss Exchange

Pando Asset Lists First Crypto ETP on SIX Swiss Exchange Today, Pando Asset is listing its first crypto ETP tracking the Vinter Pando Crypto Basket 6 Index at SIX. Pando Asset is the....

SIX Officially Launches the Swiss GDRs-leg of the China-Switzerland Stock Connect Together With Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges

SIX Officially Launches the Swiss GDRs-leg of the China-Switzerland Stock Connect Together With Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges Today, SIX officially launched the Swiss GDR-leg....

China-Switzerland Stock Connect Gets Off to a Flying Start with Four Chinese Companies Listing Their First GDRs on SIX Swiss Exchange

China-Switzerland Stock Connect Gets Off to a Flying Start with Four Chinese Companies Listing Their First GDRs on SIX Swiss Exchange Today, GEM, Gotion High-tech, Keda Industrial Gr....

«China-Switzerland Stock Connect» legt guten Start hin – vier chinesische Unternehmen kotieren ihre ersten GDRs bei SIX Swiss Exchange

«China-Switzerland Stock Connect» legt guten Start hin – vier chinesische Unternehmen kotieren ihre ersten GDRs bei SIX Swiss Exchange Heute haben GEM, Gotion High-Tech, Keda Ind....

Coup d’envoi du programme «China-Switzerland Stock Connect» démarre sur les chapeaux de roue: quatre entreprises chinoises émettent leurs premiers certificats de dépôt (GDR) sur SIX Swiss Exchange

Coup d’envoi du programme «China-Switzerland Stock Connect» démarre sur les chapeaux de roue: quatre entreprises chinoises émettent leurs premiers certificats de dépôt (GDR) sur SIX S....

"China-Switzerland Stock Connect" comienza de manera fulgurante con cuatro compañías chinas cotizando sus primeros GDR en SIX Swiss Exchange

"China-Switzerland Stock Connect" comienza de manera fulgurante con cuatro compañías chinas cotizando sus primeros GDR en SIX Swiss Exchange Hoy, GEM, Gotion High-tech, Keda Indust....

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures July 2022

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures July 2022 In July 2022, trading turnover on SIX Swiss Exchange reached CHF 77.2 billion, 21.0% less than in the previous month, while the numb....

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures August 2022

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures August 2022 In August 2022, trading turnover on SIX Swiss Exchange reached CHF 78.3 billion, 1.3% more than in the previous month, while the n....

SIX Commits to Net Zero by No Later Than 2050

SIX Commits to Net Zero by No Later Than 2050 Today, on Zero Emissions Day, SIX has committed to achieving the target of net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 at the latest. To underline th....

Accelleron, a Global Leader in High-Power Turbochargers and an ABB Spin-Off, Becomes the Fifth Company to List on the Primary Market of SIX Swiss Exchange in 2022

Accelleron, a Global Leader in High-Power Turbochargers and an ABB Spin-Off, Becomes the Fifth Company to List on the Primary Market of SIX Swiss Exchange in 2022 Today, Accelleron ....

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures September 2022

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures September 2022 In September 2022, trading turnover on SIX Swiss Exchange reached CHF 94.5 billion, 20.6% more than in the previous month, whil....

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures November 2022

SIX Swiss Exchange: Trading Key Figures November 2022 In November 2022, trading turnover on SIX Swiss Exchange reached CHF 93.6 billion, 18.0% more than in the previous month, while t....

SIX and Piraeus Bank join forces to establish a partnership in the securities services area

SIX and Piraeus Bank join forces to establish a partnership in the securities services area:Media Release Kind regards / Freundliche Grüsse / Meilleures salutations / Saludos cordiales ....

SIX Exchanges Figures September 2023

SIX publishes the monthly key figures of SIX Swiss Exchange and BME Exchange on trading and listing activities in Switzerland and Spain. Please check here . ....


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